Throwback Anyday: A Bumper Crop from February 2016

Today, I woke up early and decided to update a few old blog posts. So here are a number of old posts for you to peruse. In fact, all the ones from February 2016.

The first is for a Nikon F70. My, how times have changed, I love Nikon cameras now…though not the pronea or the FTn.

The next post is from when I reskinned some cameras for the very first time. I remember that time clearly, as I was so sick. It felt much worse than any of the few times I have had covid.

The next post is from my first foray back into APS film. I tried a few more after this one as I found a shop in Tokyo selling the film. I now don’t buy any APS camera, as I can’t justify the price of the film. I sold all my remaining APS cameras and films a couple of years ago.

The next update is for a point and shoot. It is a very short post as I didn’t really like the camera. I mentioned, I couldn’t find any information about it. Well, 8 years later, there still isn’t much out there and when searching for it again, my site was the top result with only resellers following it. Interesting.

This post is about my first camera fair, I have been to a few more now and have even sold at a couple. I never did go back to this one, maybe one day, but I bet the prices are much higher now.

And the last one for today, a camera I still own. It has been through a fair bit though. I dropped it and broke it at one point, then it magically started working again. The rangefinder was out of alignment after the bump, but I fixed that.

And that’s it, February 2016 updated. I think I prefer doing it this way, one month at a time. I often forget to do this, so one whole month done feels like I have accomplished something…just 8 years to go.

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