Photo Post: Holga CFN with 35mm film

I have been trying a lot of different ways to make panoramic shots lately. This time I rolled some 35mm film inside a roll of 120 film, using the backing paper to take note of film numbers and act as a light shield. I taped the end of the 35mm roll to the paper then put the whole thing in a light tight bag and respooled it. I made sure to do it with the “start” and the end of the roll, ready to reload it in my Holga. I then took it on a camping trip 🙂

Once developed, I used my Canoscan to digitize the images. Here are some of them. I found the film had gone a bit skewy or lopsided under the paper. Theses are the fairly straight ones.

I think this may be my favourite experiment so far. I also use the Pixilatr to digitize some of them, which meant I could get the sprockets in. You can read about that on the official site.

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