Olympus OM10

I thought I would throw this review in here, even though due to the photos it might be better at the end of this journey. So far I have only taken one roll of film on it to check it worked then I stuck it in a drawer after I got sucked into this blog. I will take it out and use it again as I really like it, but it is in another country right now so I can’t.

I originally had this way back in my late teens, early 20s. So yonks ago.

It was the one I sold to get a digital camera, wish I hadn’t done that, but it has returned to me now. I got it for about £10 and that included the manual adapter, which I had forgotten I needed.

The OM10 was first released in 1979 and ceased production in 1987. There are still many around and as I found can be got very cheaply with a lens attached.  BUT make sure you do get the manual attachment because without it you have no control at all. That being said the automatic settings can be relied upon to take great shots. Here is another super review.

Once I loaded a film and started to use it the noise it made took me back to my youth. This camera was produced fairly cheaply so there were cost cutting shortcuts. One was the lack of dampening on the mirror lock up. That means when you press the shutter there is a very satisfying ‘thunk’. Unless you are taking photos in a library or church it is a super sound.

I got this camera when I was visiting my mum in the hospice and while my sister’s family were in the process of redecorating the house for her hopeful return. It wasn’t a great time and this camera doesn’t have the same aesthetics as the Fed 2 so I have deleted a few shots. But if you are counting, all the shots I took were perfectly exposed. The OM10 is a great camera to start film photography with if you are on a budget.

I am definitely keeping this camera and can’t wait to use it again.

I realised after reading this I rarely put in technical details, like battery types used (LR44x2). That is because I am more interested in how a camera feels when holding it or using it. There are always better websites for those types of things and I usually link to them if I find them. I am not sure how ethical it is, but I suppose it gets them traffic too.

Update: How things change, I actually sold this camera. I have many more cameras now and quite a few Olympus OMs, my GAS as dissipated so I felt this was the one I could happily sell now.