2023 Top 10 Posts on Camera Go Camera

Welcome to winter 2023. Tomorrow is officially the shortest day of the year and the last day of school. Today starts the end-of-year posts on Camera Go Camera, where I reflect and maybe, make plans for the future…which I tend to ignore and do something completely different.

This one is a list of the most popular posts published on the blog this year. I was surprised by the number one post, it wasn’t my favourite. Of course, some of the ones published later in the year haven’t had time to gain as many interactions.

Talking of interactions, this year has been amazing for the blog

The number of overall views has almost doubled on last year’s result. I find that amazing and I appreciate every one of you who has read, commented, or liked a post. Up to now, I haven’t really put any ads on the website, but next year I might have to. The website is now so large and so photo-heavy, that I have used up all my media space and will have to move up a plan. That means more expense. If you combine the site costs with film, development and cameras, it is an expensive hobby. But I don’t have to tell you that, if you are reading this you know it. So sourcing extra funds is going to be in the plan, but that is for another post.

Anyway, here we go, in reverse order…










And finally…


Was your favourite from this year among these 10? Or was it another post?

2 thoughts on “2023 Top 10 Posts on Camera Go Camera

  1. rogerbeal47 says:

    Merry Happy Christmas to you! My favorite posts have been the ones that discussed different film emulsions and development techniques, accompanied by your photos illustrating the variations you attained. I learn from these, and appreciate that.

    1. Peggy says:

      I didn’t realise I was technical enough to which you could learn from me. I will try and remember that for next year 😀

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