Fujifilm Epion RVX (APS)

I saw this camera on Instagram and I was smitten. Look at it, LOOK!! Can you see it? It is very well camouflaged. I searched on eBay and low, there was one, just one…and it was in Japan. But it is an APS, dwindling film supplies. Then along came Asographic and there was new hope on the horizon! So I can buy the camera?? YES!

It arrived in mint condition, not a blemish or a scratch, which is amazing considering it is a heavy duty camera. I love HDCs, they always seem to perform well and have super sharp lenses. Gosh, I think I am setting myself up for disappointment.

It turns out there are quite a few of these for sale online in Japan, but not a lot of information about this camera. Here is some, but you will need Google Translate or equivalent. It states the camera was released in 1997, it also has quite a lot of technical information. Though, from the photos above you can see there is a 25mm lens, quite wide. Plus the minimum focal length is 36cm, pretty good.

I loaded up an expired Truprint film and went for a walk…which a wrote about on another blog here.

I have used expired Truprint APS film before and it always seems to be quite warm. Comparing the digital photos to these, I prefer these. They are sharper, more detailed and I was less worried about damaging the camera..due to the HDC.

I love it. I have already loaded it up with another roll.

Keep or Sell: Though I thought this camera was gorgeous, the dwindling supply of film made me sell it. I decided to keep just one aps camera, and this wasn’t the one I chose.



6 thoughts on “Fujifilm Epion RVX (APS)

  1. Tobybrownson says:

    Oh going commando!
    Hope my trueprint 35mm turns out as nice. Is the aps farrania too do you know?

    1. windswept007 says:

      I haven’t tried that. Check the other aps posts as there is a link to an aps Facebook group where you might find the answer.

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